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What is Water Plus?

Water Plus is an Integrated Demand Management program (IDMP) geared towards Arizona Water Company customers in Rimrock.

This program includes the Water Plus Facebook page, an evaluation of current conservation efforts in the region, and the launch of unique initiatives that aim to encourage a strong sustainability and water conservation ethic in the community.

The Water Plus Facebook page is a public education and community engagement campaign that will include weekly posts on a variety of topics such as where Rimrock’s water comes from and what’s happening with water and other natural resources in the state.

Additional topics covered by the Facebook page include what residents can do to conserve water and energy, and how to reduce waste while maintaining their desired quality of life.

Content will be relevant to permanent residents, seasonal residents, and visitors.

What is an IDMP?

IDMP stands for Integrated Demand Management Program.

This is a conservation program that takes things one step further, by inviting ongoing collaboration with entities and members of the community and setting the expectation that in addition to providing water conservation and sustainability resources and tips for the community, the water utility will also work hard on its end to increase water use efficiency and decrease water waste.

Why is this program being launched now?

The State of Arizona is a leader in both water conservation and sustainability in the United States, with numerous state regulations for both.

Arizona Water Company (AWC) operates under nearly a dozen water conservation regulations.

While the company has historically implemented conservation measures at the local level, in 2020 AWC made the decision to develop and implement a comprehensive, company-wide conservation program.

This includes developing custom, localized programs in collaboration with the communities AWC serves. The first IDMP was launched in Casa Grande, AZ in April 2021. Now, it’s Rimrock’s turn! For more information on launched programs, check out https://www.azwater.com/conservation/

What is Arizona Water Company doing to conserve water?

It is important that Arizona Water Company walks the walk when it comes to water conservation. Here are just a few things the company does to conserve water through regulated tariffs.

Special Events/Programs and Community Presentations Tariff: AWC staff are ready and willing to run booths at events or provide presentations on water-related topics for the Rimrock community. Presentations can cover general topics like water resources and water conservation, or they can get more specific like active versus passive rainwater harvesting or irrigation 101. Read more on this tariff here. Interested in having someone host a booth or give a presentation? Email [email protected] and AWC staff will coordinate with you!

Water Waste Investigations and Information Tariff: This tariff requires AWC staff to investigate any water waste reported by the community, determine what the cause of the waste may be, and follow up with the entity at fault to help them resolve the issue. What constitutes water waste? Read the tariff here to find out.

Leak Detection Program Tariff: AWC staff are constantly assessing local water system infrastructure to look for and fix leaks. As a proactive measure, they use specialized leak-detection equipment to routinely inspect lines for leaks. When a leak is found, it is prioritized for repair to keep lost water at a minimum. Read more on this tariff here. – For a full list of water conservation-related tariffs, visit https://www.azwater.com/rates/

Contact Us

If you have customer service questions for Arizona Water Company, please contact them directly.

Phone: 602-240-6860

Website: www.AZWATER.com

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